My Goodness,
Here I am heading out the door of my sisters house to catch a plane to Guatemala. I would like to start my Central America journey with a proverbial "clean slate." It would be impossible to express the beauty and generosity of the folks I have met and stayed with in the past month, not to mention the awesome grandeur of Arizona, New Mexico, (and a quick peek at Texas)
These picture are quick sampling of some of the sights. Missing are pictures from Gila River hot springs, an awesome place just five miles from the Gila River cave dwellings, if you are in Southern New Mexico I highly recommend you visit both.
Pictured are: A cairn I built on the continental divide, Well the monument said it was the divide, but after talking to historians in Bisbee I was informed they "made a mistake" but I guess they still wanted to keep the monument. (The real divide is about 100 miles away in New Mexico)
Next is my shadow waving back to me from the San Pedro River in Arizona, then Eric and Maria and Colin and baby ?? from their awesome home in Silver City, New Mexico. That is Maria's brother Dominique saying hi to his feline friend who was out cruising for a few days. Eric is my sister Kathy's first child, and the first grandchild in the Casler Clan. Great grandchildren are popping out like crazy now!
The next picture is a desert plant I would like you to identify. I guess it could be a "photo puzzler" but truth is I have no idea what it is.
Not pictured is my friend Bev Wigney who graciously put me up in in Bisbee, Azirona for the better part of three weeks. (Or should I say "put up with me") Bev is a very beautiful generous person. She is a profession photographer who seems to stay away from the other end of the camera. I'm not saying she is camera shy, but somehow I managed to leave Arizona without one good picture of her or Sabrina her faithful canine companion. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE GREAT VISIT BEV.
I'm off to LA now to catch a plane, I not sure if I can find the answer to the photo puzzler, but I will try. It was an icicle thawing on the wall of a canyon on the way to the Gila Cliff Dwelling, but just a close up of one drop of water.
From Autumn to Winter 08 |
From Autumn to Winter 08 |
Hasta Pronto
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